Viooh: HubSpot Case Study

Viooh Case Study - CMS Enterprise - Single Hub

VIOOH launched in 2018 and is a leading global out-of-home media marketplace. VIOOH’s integrated and customisable full-stack IT platform enables automated and programmatic buying and selling of digital out-of-home inventory (digital billboards).

The Website Challenge

Part of the JCDeaux group (a large French multinational corporation), VIOOH was a newly created out-of-home (OOO) digital platform business. Because it was a new business VIOOH had no existing website and wanted to integrate with HubSpot.

The VIOOH team wanted to create a ‘client portal’ to support the education and training of its users. However, the company worked with three types of clients and partners - media owners, media agency buyers, and demand-side platforms.

VIOOH needed a customisable solution to accommodate the three different groups. The Client Portal had to be ‘smart’ to ensure confidentiality and restrict access to different ‘layers’ of content.

The Unique And Innovative Solution From PYB

Luke, a graphic designer from Plus Your Business (PYB), worked with VIOOH from the initial design to the end delivery of the project. Luke met with VIOOH to determine their points of view and their desires for the website.

These areas covered:

  • What did they want to do with the website
  • The outcomes they wanted to achieve with the site
  • Had they seen a website elsewhere that they liked
  • Was there anything that they did not like

VIOOH already had an agency that had done branding up to a certain point. Consequently, there was an overarching style and feel available for PYB! to work from for the website. It was a flat design with prototypes using XD and Figma.

This process allowed the VIOOH to play with a working site version before it was 100% live. As the VIOOH team started experimenting, PYB! made viable and valuable changes based on the feedback.

There were two parts to the website. One was the public-facing side front end of the website, which had lots of functionality. This process was a unique integration with a Greenhouse app built from scratch for VIOOH to save money.

The Greenhouse app helped with integrating the News & VIOOHS and Careers sections. Below you can see the website's home page and the News & VIOOHS and Careers pages.




The second part of the project was for the member’s login side of the website. The solution was unique and innovative. By using the HubSpot CMS Enterprise, Plus Your Business! created a micro-site with three different layers of access.

The access problem was solved by having lists in the CRM. A series of layers was created behind the portal where people had to log in. Based on the list membership in HubSpot, the information could display correctly to different people.

It was only possible to create this solution by using HubSpot CMS Enterprise. It had never been done before and was a development masterpiece explicitly designed to solve VIOOH’s problem. The project itself saved the company around £2,000 a year.

Within the client portal section, clients could also access a learning area. This section offers all the different things that VIOOH does as a company. This area needed to have its own segmented content based on the lists.

It was not as simple as Group A getting everything, Group B getting a smaller section of Group A, etc. The segmentation was a completely different set of things with cross-pollination.






PYB! And VIOOH worked collaboratively to map everything correctly. For example, Luke from PYB! spent two hours in a virtual meeting with VIOOH to draw out a spider chart to detail where everything had to go.

In the screenshot below, you can see the true complexity of this vast project.



The Granular Results For Sophisticated Marketers

The VIOOH team are a group of sophisticated marketers that need to see the client portal's granular activity. The HubSpot CMS Hub integration has delivered this in many forms. Now the VIOOH team can see areas such as:

A breakdown of the pageview stats by, e.g. client
The integration with Vidyard shows stats based on actual video views, e.g. started watching but didn’t finish

In the graph below, you can see the breakdown of the User Page View per market. The areas show the statistics for different countries in the first three quarters of 2021.


The VIOOH team also wanted to manage their in-house content easily. The Plus Your Business! team ensured that the solution was as straightforward as possible without too much ongoing agency support.

In the next phase of the Roadmap, the VIOOH team are considering automations running off the back of this data. This further automation would allow the entrance into and out of HubSpot workflows.

"Conscientious and hard working"


During the pitch process, PYB really took the time to understand our CRM scoping requirements, and also made some great suggestions on how we could add functionality to the new website that we wanted to build. This conscientious approach continued throughout the 4-5 months of the project, from the custom developments needed by our Sales team, to working with the Marketing team to develop and launch a new website with password-protected learning management system. Throughout it all, Martin, Elisa, Luke and the team went above and beyond to fulfill our requirements, often working at weekends to keep on track, despite some scope creep from our side. Happy to recommend them!

Helen Miall
Chief Marketing Officer - Viooh